ReallyRegenerative Community of Practice
ReallyRegenerative Community of Practice
Jenny Andersson

Welcome to ReallyRegenerative Community of Practice

A crew of committed and pioneering regenerative place-makers activating transformational change.

About Us

This is a welcoming, regenerative place for people who want to deepen their capacity to act in the world as regenerative place-makers. Here is where we continue our learning journey, and share wisdom, knowledge and experiences with like-hearted others as we develop our practice together. 

Everyone here is committed to a brighter, regenerative future for humankind and our living planet. Some are agents of change in global, national or local organisations, others are place-based in cities, estates, agricultural enterprises, tourism, destinations and visitor attractions, and yet more come from the NGO and social enterprise communities. All of us have a strong sense of the importance of place in healing the stories of separation.

Though we are a deep, wide and diverse community, we have one very important thing in common. We believe that to create the change we need in the world today, to give humanity and future generations a chance of living on a living, thriving planet - we need to change the way we think, and elevate our worldviews to a regenrative paradigm. 

We do that by working on three levels simultaneously. We work on our personal development, on our selves; we work developmentally on our projects, places & teams; and we lift up the evolutionary potential of the systems in which we live and work. 

In this community we will share insights, articles, conversations, books, knowledge with each other. 

Why You Should Join Us

Humans are not separate from the living systems around us. We are inter-twined and inter-dependent. Humans are not separate from each other - although we have found many ways to create narratives and structures that emphasise unequal difference. We have a vision of ending the story of separation between humans and nature, and humans and humans. We believe this can best be done in place. Place is the scale at which life works on earth. Place is where the impact of the story of separation is visceral and real for all of us. If we can heal and evolve the Places of the world, we can evolve towards a healthy planetary system in which all life can achieve its full potential. This is our journey. Really Regenerative exists to support the learning journeys of anyone who wants to bring a future regenerative economy, culture and ecology into being in the places of the world that matter deeply to them.

A Big Thanks

To all of the people who have participated in Power of Place : An Introduction to Regenerative Placemaking over the past 2 years.  We have taken over 150 different organisations through a journey into regenerative design and development that is place-sourced in order to grow the field of regenerative practitioners who can support evolution of systems in sectors such as the built environment, cities and municipalities, natural landscape owners & managers, and tourism.

Deep thanks also go to all the special guests and different voices other than our own who have contributed to serving this community. Especially Daniel Christian Wahl, Anna Pollock, Dr Dominique Hes, Michelle Holliday, Jane Davidson, Galen Fulford.